Press Releases

  • Sandeep kokkirala

WELLNESSON restructures to India’s first marketplace for Doctors/Dietitians recommended healthy products



New Delhi (India), January 12: In response to the growing demand for healthy products, WELLNESSON has restructured their business model to a marketplace where customers can find only Doctors/Dietitians recommended healthy products. Every product sold by WELLNESSON contains no maida, no added sugar, and no harmful additives or preservatives. The products are approved by FSSAI and genuinely health-conscious. Customers can also take consultation from our wellness doctors, dietitians, and naturopathy doctors from the platform itself.

How it All Began?

The journey of WELLNESSON began in January 2020, in the mind of its founder Santhosh Manchala who had an epiphany during his 16kg weight loss which led to overcoming sleep apnea, tiredness, and diabetes while working with New York-based one of the biggest companies in the world Weight Watchers Inc.

Started with a tech-based approach to developing an algorithm to classify the foods into Grade A (Superfoods), Grade B (Safe to eat in eatable portions), and Grade C (Unhealthy Foods) based on the user BMI and educate them on healthy eating attached with a mind training program called LIFT (Listen, Implement, Follow and Transform) and helping them to adopt healthy habits with WELLNESSON.

For fellow dietitians a tech has developed an AI based Diet Management System which helps them digitize and optimize their business which creates a diet chart in just 5 minutes as it is preloaded with an extensive ingredient and food database and algorithm to build recipes and show nutritional values at their fingertips.

The tech-based idea had to be stopped at the beta version itself due to the 1st COVID restrictions and for the best interests of investors and the company, WELLNESSON ventured into the healthy food segment and successfully delivered meal plans on a subscription basis.

To fulfill the mid-day cravings of meal plan subscribers, WELLNESSON developed several snacks for the customers which are widely accepted and recognized by the customers. The brand has reached various parts of India where they could not deliver due to radius restrictions.

To cater a larger demand aligning their mission to deliver healthy products WELLNESSON is partnering with various health startups and restructured to a marketplace exclusively for Doctors/ Dietitians recommended healthy products which is the 1st of its kind in India.

Curated diet box

As part of the International Year of Millets 2023 effort, they pooled their resources and created India’s first Millet Diet Box with the sole aim of getting more people to incorporate millet into their diets.

This Millet Diet Box is a complete package given as it consists of all the healthy food products required in a day.

Millet Diet Box Contents



Midday Snacks


Other Benefits of Millet Diet Box 

  • Easy to Prepare, just heat the meals for 10 minutes.
  • No added preservatives.
  • No Allergic Reaction.
  • Trusted by Dietitians and Medical professionals.
  • Helps with long-term weight loss.
  • Manages high blood sugar and boosts good cholesterol.
  • Improves energy and sleep quality.
  • Alleviates gastrointestinal distress.
  • Reduction in GI distress.
  • Improvement of general gut health.


This idea is widely accepted by existing customers and other stakeholders as well.

WELLNESSON is a DIPP recognized startup and has been selected for state and central Government grants. Liking the idea, a reputed doctor from Hyderabad is in talks to be part of the project as an investor and promoter. WELLNESSON is also in talks with a PAN India celebrity for entering into an equity based partnership.


The brand is looking to onboard 1500 partner Doctors/Dietitians across India with 500 SKUs and aiming to open franchise stores across all Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities in India.

Every store will have a Doctor/Dietitian consultation attached and customers can shop a wide range of healthy products which are recommended by Doctors/Dietitians.

To learn more about the WELLNESSON platform and its offerings, please visit

1 comment
  • sandeep kokkirala

Startupsindia Article

WellnessON App brings holistic wellness to your fingertips

This Hyderabad-based startup aims to promote sustainable practices for daily nutrition, mindfulness, exercise & lifestyle management based on Ayurveda and behavioral science.

In April 2018, when Sandy went to his family doctor with symptoms of severe fatigue, he didn’t know that he was at what he later called step zero of his new life. His doctor informed him that he was pre-diabetic with high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.

“That was a turning point of his life. Years of hardships and personal struggle, excessive stress and poor lifestyle choices had destroyed his health and he was advised by his doctor to make big lifestyle changes,” said Sandy.

The Big Idea

As he was in the US at that time, he tried out many calorie counting apps and little by little, he tweaked his food habits, talked with and successfully turned his health around. Soon, he realized it was not just him but many young people including his friends that were facing a similar situation. There were only the extremes of over indulgence and crash dieting. He understood that holistic wellness was the need of the hour.

For a whole year, several threads were running in his mind. He wanted to create a resource that helps the maximum number of people make a long-term change in their nutrition and lifestyle. He also felt certain that this new system would only work if people can continue eating whichever cuisine they are familiar with.

“After his own journey with sustainable change, he understood the science behind our traditional Indian food. So, in essence, he was going back to our roots to find the solution for today’s problems,” he admits.

After extensive research, speaking with many people from all walks of life and consulting with behavioral scientists and nutritionists, despite many naysayers, he bootstrapped the startup with his own funds, and founded WellnessON in January 2020.

Adapting to a pandemic

“An old NRI friend rented his office space in Vasant Nagar, Kukatpally. his first employees were his chief nutritionist Jalpa Sheth, a technical app developer, a fresher Gunjan Mishra, and his longtime friend Abhinay Mandugula as the Chief Business Development Officer. Initially he thought they ’ll have a proper brick-and-mortar wellness center and have the WellnessON app on the side. But the covid-19 pandemic arrived like a blessing in disguise. We were aggressively recruiting for an in-house technology team and then, pandemic struck!”

“They could not find the right candidates as the market situation was volatile and lesser people showed interest in joining their small startup. They simply soldiered on. It made he rethink his vision about long-term behavioral change at affordable prices. They adopted an App-first approach. They found a vendor who helped them in developing their app and internal application.”

The “Get your life together” App

Sandy says that WellnessON is not just about calorie-counting, it helps you make a significant mind shift, be it nutrition, your daily exercise, meditation to live more mindfully. WellnessON is created to be the app that helps you “get your life together”.

Their programs such as Eat Swasth are designed to create awareness about one’s own dietary habits. A personalized dashboard tracks the daily micronutrient and macronutrient intake and WellnessON’s key features, the proprietary grading system and zero % recipes will help the user make informed decisions about their food choices within a span of 6 months. This process mirrors the time period of his earlier lifestyle shift. Sandy believes this method is sustainable and will create a shift in the user’s lifestyle.

He reiterates, “This is not like what you experience with a traditional nutritionist who just tells you to follow the diet chart. By using this app, the user will become self-aware and self-reliant! And this kind of learning stays with you forever.”

WellnessON has also started working with corporate partners to lead a wellness revolution in workspaces with three types of programs – the employee themselves or the employer or both employer and employee can contribute to the sponsorship of the program.

New and uncharted territories

The WellnessON app recently introduced personalized plans for people with health conditions such as diabetes, PCOD, migraine and other conditions. After receiving many queries from users as well as friends about special diet plans that can be adopted with existing medications, the WellnessON team ventured into the health condition programs. Although they cannot divulge any confidential data, he admits that there was one very happy user who successfully managed their health condition by using the WellnessON personalized plan.

Adding to all the glowing user testimonials and good news, WellnessON recently secured seed accelerator funding from an NRI investor. With this financial boost, WellnessON has ambitious plans to establish its first wellness studio and cloud kitchen in Hyderabad. Sandy’s vision for the cloud kitchen is to help people make healthy takeout choices and to aid subscribers in following the personalized nutrition plans provided in the app. People will be able to order the zero% recipes through a well-known food delivery app in the city. The wellness studio is designed to be a one-stop center for exercise, nutrition and mindfulness needs with nutritionists, yoga instructors and subscriber support. The team, confident in the success of their upcoming wellness studio, is already making plans for rapid expansion across India, starting with a second studio by the last quarter of 2021 and four more by the end of 2022.

From the days when Sandy was a computer operator earning Rs.1500 to being a founder of a revolutionary holistic wellness startup, sandy has come a long way. His dream of bringing holistic wellness to one user at a time is slowly coming to fruition.


  • sandeep kokkirala

The Indianpreneur Article

This new behavioural science-based App born in Hyderabad is your answer to long term change in your daily nutrition, mindfulness & physical activity.

In April 2018, Sandy was at step zero of his transformative experience. He was about to consult his family doctor with symptoms of severe fatigue. His doctor informed him that he was pre-diabetic with high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.

Sandy says that it was a turning point of his life. “Years of hardships and personal struggle, excessive stress and poor lifestyle choices have destroyed my health and I was advised by my doctor to make big lifestyle changes.”

The Journey of Sustainable Change

At that point of time, living in the US, he had access to many calorie counting apps. Little by little, he tweaked his food habits and successfully turned his health around. Soon, he realized it was not just him but many young people including his friends that were facing a similar situation. There were only the extremes of over indulgence and crash dieting. He understood that a happy medium was the need of the hour.

He started thinking about creating a resource that helps the maximum number of people make a long-term change in their nutrition and lifestyle. He also felt certain that this new system would only work if people can continue eating whichever cuisine they are familiar with.

“After my own journey with sustainable change, I understood the science behind our traditional Indian food. So, in essence, I was going back to our roots to find the solution for today’s problems,” he admits.

After extensive research, speaking with many people from all walks of life and consulting with behavioral scientists and nutritionists, despite many naysayers, he bootstrapped the startup with his own funds, and founded WellnessON in January 2020.


Weathering a Pandemic

Sandy recalls those initial days, “An old NRI friend rented me office space in Vasant Nagar, Kukatpally. My first employees were my chief nutritionist Jalpa Sheth, a technical app developer, a fresher Gunjan Mishra, and my long time friend Abhinay Mandugula as the Chief Business Development Officer. Initially I thought we’ll have a proper brick-and-mortar wellness center and have the WellnessON app on the side. But the covid-19 pandemic arrived like a blessing in disguise. We were aggressively recruiting for an in-house technology team and then, pandemic struck!” Nonetheless, the team marched forward.

“We could not find the right candidates as the market situation was volatile and lesser people showed interest in joining our small startup. It made me rethink my vision about long-term behavioral change at affordable prices. We adopted an App-first approach. We found a vendor who helped us in developing our app and internal application.”

An App that brings holistic wellness to your fingertips

Sandy says that WellnessON is not just about calorie-counting, it helps you make a significant mind shift, be it nutrition, your daily exercise, meditation to live more mindfully. WellnessON is designed to help inspire people to lead an overall healthy lifestyle.

Eat Swasth, their introductory program, is designed to create awareness about one’s own dietary habits. A personalized dashboard tracks the daily micronutrient and macronutrient intake and WellnessON’s key features, the proprietary grading system and zero % recipes will help the user make informed decisions about their food choices within a span of 6 months. Sandy believes this method is sustainable and will create a shift in the user’s lifestyle.

He reiterates, “WellnessON will not give you a diet chart like a traditional nutritionist. By using this app, the user will become self-aware and self-reliant! And this kind of learning stays with you forever.”

Apart from their regular programs, WellnessON has also started working with corporate partners to lead a wellness revolution in workspaces with three types of programs – the employee themselves or the employer or both employer and employee can contribute to the sponsorship of the program.

Personalized plans for people with health conditions

The WellnessON team ventured into health condition programs after receiving many queries from users as well as friends about special diet plans that can be adopted with existing medications. They have personalized plans for people with health conditions such as diabetes, PCOD, migraine and other conditions. Although they cannot divulge any confidential data, Sandy admits that there was one very happy user who successfully managed their health condition through their plan.

Exciting future prospects

WellnessON recently secured seed accelerator funding from an NRI investor. With this financial boost, they have ambitious plans to establish their first wellness studio and cloud kitchen in Hyderabad.

Sandy’s vision for the cloud kitchen is to help people make healthy takeout choices and to aid users in following the personalized nutrition plans provided in the app. People will be able to order the zero% recipes through a well-known food delivery app in the city. The wellness studio is designed to be a one-stop center for exercise, nutrition and mindfulness needs with nutritionists, yoga instructors and subscriber support.

The team, confident in the success of their upcoming wellness studio, is already making plans for rapid expansion across India, starting with a second studio by the last quarter of 2021 and four more by the end of 2022.

Sandy’s dream of transforming one user’s lifestyle at a time is slowly coming true.

  • sandeep kokkirala

Times Of India Article

This New Year, Opt for a Healthy Lifestyle with WellnessOn’s Meal Subscriptions

With various personalized meal plans and diet charts, WellnessOn delivers your usual dishes and snacks with healthier ingredients to your doorstep.


When Santhosh Manchala joined the leading weight loss company Weight Watchers in 2017, he did not imagine how it may change his and many others’ lives for good. Starting with no formal education and a meager salary of Rs 1500, Manchala went to the United States for work. While working at Weigh Watchers, he converted to a healthy diet and lifestyle after being diagnosed with pre-diabetes, sleep apnea, and hypertension at the age of 32. Understanding that changing and maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle is tough for many people out there, he founded WellnessOn to help resolve this problem for the users.

Working for Weight Watchers in the US, Manchala discovered their various weight loss solutions that included a severe change in eating habits. He also noted the success stories of millions of users which ultimately inspired him to start WellnessOn.

WellnessOn, based out of Hyderabad, is essentially a wellness and lifestyle platform that helps people convert to a healthy lifestyle. They have a weight loss app, give training for healthy habits, and a healthy kitchen that features homemade Indian dishes and even snacks.

The company uses the same Indian recipes but makes them healthier by simply changing a few things here and there. To start with, they replace some unhealthy ingredients with healthier options in some recipes. In some of the recipes, the food is cooked more healthily to promote better nutritional value. For example, excess fat or oil is avoided by adopting methods like cooking with a closed lid or using an air fryer, boiling, or steaming. They completely avoid sugar, food color, preservatives, additives in their kitchen. The use of butter or cream is replaced by nuts or seeds and completely healthy procedures are used to make, store and transport the food.

As per Manchala, one of the ways to maintain fitness and good health is by having a balanced meal. Going by this motto, WellnessOn makes sure that each meal of theirs is filled with the goodness of complex carbohydrates, proteins, and good fat in each meal. The inclusion of fresh fruits with breakfasts, use of minimum oil and fat, and addition of healthy substitutes in many dishes, make sure that the user gets a tasty, healthy, and filling meal. All the meals are distinctly designed as per the nutritional requirements of the individual user after identifying a target group. An expert chef curates the meals with whole grains, cereals, unpolished pulses, legumes, beans, fresh fruits, and vegetables.

The balanced nutritional values in the meals from WellnessOn help in the effective functioning of the body, keeping it free from health complications. For example, low or medium glycemic food from WellnessOn does not cause a sudden rise in blood glucose, reducing the risk of heart problems, diabetes, and other related issues. The high fiber content helps one remain full for a long time. A healthy meal also promotes good gut health and prevents issues like constipation.

One of the staples of Hyderabad, the Hyderabadi Biryani is a gastronomical delight. However, it is a fact that many times it cannot be completely healthy. WellnessOn tackles this problem head-on by replacing some of the ingredients of a Hyderabadi Biryani with healthier options. Using white paneer cubes, brown basmati rice, blanched salad, and cucumber raita, with carrot halwa and salan, WellnessOn makes the Hyderabadi Biryani a much healthier and tasty dish.

WellnessOn also has some great weight loss meal tips, solutions, meal plans, etc, that you can subscribe to. It includes healthy meals at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, along with various varieties of snacks, which is delivered to your doorstep. WellnessOn also proved nutritionist consultation, along with a food tracking app and a self-service portal where you can manage your subscription plan.

Apart from subscribed meals and meal plans, WellnessOn also has an online diet and fitness chart. It has tied up with Amazon and Flipkart to deliver healthy snacks to you for those mid-morning or early evening cravings.

First launched in Gachibowli, WellnessOn now has a kitchen in Manikonda and is looking to launch in Vasanthnagar, Kukatpally, in February next year. Manchala is looking to open at least 3 more kitchens in Hyderabad by the end of 2022. WellnessOn has tied up with Mygate to run a food truck to deliver healthy meal options to gated communities. It has also tied up with Swiggy and Zomato and gets a 4.1 rating constantly. With a 20% growth rate in orders and customer acquisition, the company has 80% retention.

Looking at the lucrative idea, the confidence on Santhosh and his broader vision for the company, WellnessON was able to raise funds from his NRI friends apart from his own bootstrapped funds. WellnessOn has now opened franchise applications across India and has been incubated at Nutrihub, IIMR Hyderabad, supported by Dayakar Rao CEO Nutrihub.

This New Year, WellnessOn is also launching detox, salad, and millet subscriptions at your doorstep.

So, if you have a New Year resolution to lose weight this year or develop healthy eating habits, visit the website of WellnessOn, You can also mail them at

Disclaimer: This article has been produced on behalf of WellnessON by Mediawire team.

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